Sculpture /

Structures. 2009–2012

Vitaly Pushnitsky - Structure of Rotation

Structure of Rotation
2009. Wood
160×230 cm

Vitaly Pushnitsky - Structure of Rotation

Structure of Rotation
2009. Wood
160×230 cm

Vitaly Pushnitsky - Sketches


Vitaly Pushnitsky - Sketches


Vitaly Pushnitsky - Sketches


Vitaly Pushnitsky - Sketches


Vitaly Pushnitsky - Sketches


Vitaly Pushnitsky - Structure of Time

Structure of Time
2009. Marble
45×60 cm

Vitaly Pushnitsky - Structure of Time

Structure of Time
2009. Marble
45×60 cm

Vitaly Pushnitsky - Time

2012. Marble

Vitaly Pushnitsky - Structure of Information

Structure of Information
2009. Chipboard
210×150 cm

Vitaly Pushnitsky - Structure of Crystal

Structure of Crystal
2009. Plasterboard
35×250 cm

Vitaly Pushnitsky - Structure of Shift

Structure of Shift
2009. Wood
120×100 cm

Vitaly Pushnitsky - Structure of Compression

Structure of Compression
2009. Concrete
70×170 cm

Vitaly Pushnitsky - Structure of Labyrinth

Structure of Labyrinth
2009. Plasterboard
120×60 cm

Vitaly Pushnitsky - Structure of Space

Structure of Space
2009. Polystyrene
500×300 cm

Vitaly Pushnitsky - Structure of Space

Structure of Space
2009. Polystyrene
500×300 cm

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